Gods of Olympus Wiki
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****[[Thestalus]] (by Epicaste)
****[[Thestalus]] (by Epicaste)
****[[Meges]] (by Phyleus)
****[[Meges]] (by Phyleus)
****[[Dictys (son of Poseidon)|Dictys]] and [[Actor (son of Poseidon)|Actor]] (by Agamede)
****[[Belus (son of Poseidon)|Belus]], [[Dictys (son of Poseidon)|Dictys]] and [[Actor (son of Poseidon)|Actor]] (by Agamede)
****[[Polyxenus (son of Agasthenes)|Polyxenus]] (by Agasthenes)
****[[Polyxenus (son of Agasthenes)|Polyxenus]] (by Agasthenes)

Latest revision as of 01:40, 30 December 2019

Many demigods and mortal gods had children, who carried on several family lines who were all descended from one or several different gods. Many demigods, Kings and Queens were descended from gods through their mortal ancestors, such as Heracles.

Known Descendants

Descendants of Zeus

Line of Perseus

Perseus was a demigod son of Zeus but was said to have been descended from Lelex, a son of Poseidon, making Perseus a descendant of Poseidon. This would also make Heracles descended from Poseidon. Strangely, like his great-grandson Heracles, he was also a son and descendant of Zeus. Perseus' maternal great-grandfather Lacedaemon was a son of Zeus.

The Hero Heracles, was a son of Alcmene by Zeus.

Line of Heracles

Heracles, another son of Alcmene, was a demigod son of Zeus, however he was also a descendant of Zeus as he was the great-grandson of Perseus.

  • The Heracleidae were the descendants of Hercules and therefore descendants of Zeus. His sons by the daughters of Thespius were also descended from Hephaestus. Also like Hercules and his great-grandfather Perseus, they were all descended from Poseidon.

Line of Minos

Minos was a demigod son of Zeus and the King of Crete. His great-grandfather Agenor was a son of Poseidon and his great-great-great-grandfather Epaphus was a son of Zeus. This makes Minos and his descendants all descended from Poseidon and Zeus. Minos' children were:

Line of Dardanus

Dardanus was a demigod son of Zeus. His mother was the Pleiad Electra, making him a grandson of the Titans Atlas and Pleione. His children were: Idaeus, Deimas, Erichthonius of Dardania, Ilus, Idaea and Zakynthos. All of his children and descendants were descended from Zeus, Atlas and Pleione.

Line of Tantalus

Niobe, Pelops and Broteas were all legacies of Zeus as their father Tantalus was a son of Zeus.

Line of Arcas, the king of Arcadia

This Arcas was the son of Zeus and Callisto, a follower of the goddess Artemis. He took over as the king of Arcadia after the fall of Lycaon. His children were:

Line of Pelasgus

Pelasgus was a demigod son of Zeus. His only known son was Lycaon, who was a demigod son of the Oceanid Meliboea and a descendant of Zeus. Lycaon's children were:

Descendants of Poseidon

Line of Theseus

Theseus was a demigod son of Poseidon and a king of Athens. His great-great-grandfather Tantalus was a son of Zeus, making Theseus' descendants all descended from Poseidon and Zeus.

Line of Eleius

Eleius was a demigod son of Poseidon but was also a descendant of Zeus through his grandfather Endymion, a son of Zeus.

Line of Triopas

Actaeus, the earliest known king of Athens, was a descendant of Poseidon through his grandfather Triopas, a son of Poseidon.

Line of Phineus

Phineus' was a demigod son of Poseidon. His children were: Mariandynus, Thynus, Eraseia and Harpyreia.

Descendants of Apollo

Line of Anius

Anius was a demigod son of Apollo, but was also great-grandson and descendant of Dionysus and Zeus on his mothers side.

  • Anius' children, known as the Oenotropae, were descendants of Apollo, Dionysus and Zeus. They were:

Amphithemis was a demigod son of Apollo, and one of his sons by Acacallis, a daughter of King Minos. This would make Amphithemis a descendant of Zeus and Helios through his mother, Helios from his maternal grandmother Pasiphae

  • Caphaurus was a legacy of Apollo, as his father Amphithemis was a son of Apollo.

Line of Mykons

Mykons was a demigod son of Apollo and the first ruler and namesake of the island of Mykonos. His daughter Xanthippe, was a descendant of Apollo.

Descendants of Ares

Line of Otrera

Otrera was the first queen of the Amazons and a daughter of Eurus. She bore Ares four daughters: Hippolyta, Antiope, Melanippe and Penthesilea. This would also make her children descendants of Eurus.

Descendants of Hermes

Line of Autolycus

Autolycus was a demigod son of Hermes. His children were Anticleia, Polymede, Neaera and Aesimus.

Descendants of Hephaestus

Line of Erichthonius

Ericthonius was a son of Hephaestus, and a king of Athens. His only son and heir was Pandion I

  • Pandion I had several children were: Erechtheus, Butes, Procne and Philomela. Pandion's grandchildren were:

Descendants of Aphrodite

Line of Lelante

Descendants of Helios

The Heliadae and the Heliades were all descendants of Helios.

  • His children were Ochimus, Cercaphus, Actis, Macareus, Tenages, Triopas, Phaethon, Electryone and Candalus.
    • His grandchildren were:
      • Cydippe (by Ochimus). She married her uncle Cercaphus and had three sons by him, named below: Lindus, Ialysus and Camirus.
      • Methymna, Mytilene, Agamede, Antissa, Arisbe, Cydrolaus, Neandrus, Leucippus and Phaon (by Macareus)
        • His great-grandchildren were:

Descendants of Prometheus

Descendants of Harmonia

The goddess Harmonia had a number of children with King Cadmus of Thebes, who was the son of Agenor, a son of Poseidon. This made her children both demigods as well as descendants of Poseidon. Her children were:

Other lines

Line of Achilles

Achilles was a son of the sea goddess Thetis, and was also descended from Zeus through his paternal grandfather Aeacus. This would make all of Achilles' descendants be descended from Thetis and Zeus. His only known child was Neoptolemus. His grandchildren by Neoptolemus were:

Actaeon was a son of Aristaeus, but was also a legacy of Harmonia. His mother was a daughter of Harmonia.


  • Altheia and Demetrius were descended from Hecate.
  •  Melas, the son of Antassus was a descendant of Hades as his father was a son of Hades.
  •  Jason was actually a descendant of Hermes as his grandfather Autolycus was a son of Hermes.
  •   Abaris was a descendant of Hermes as his father Seuthes, was a son of Hermes.
  •  Ileus was a demigod son of Apollo, however he was a descendant of Poseidon since his mother Urea was a daughter of Poseidon.
  •  Daedalus, Eupalamus and Sicyon were all sons of Athena but were descendants of Zeus and Polyhymnia through their ancestor Alacomenus.
  •  Medea was a descendant of Helios.
  •  Opus II was a demigod son of Zeus, however he was also a descendant of Zeus as his father Opus was a son of Zeus.
  •  through their paternal grandfather and Nilus through their paternal grandmother.
  •  Lysaetes, the king of Mykonos, and his mother Gaconia were both descendant of Apollo through Mykons, a son of Apollo. His daughter Erymia was also descended from Apollo and Gelos.
  •  Asclepius was a son of Apollo, but he was also a descendant of Ares through his mother Coronis, the daughter of Phlegyas.
  •  The Amazons Deilyce and Oiolyce were both legacies of Poseidon as their mother Cymopoleia was a daughter of Poseidon.
  •  Hippodameia, Leucippus and Alcippe were all descendants of Ares as their father Oenomaus was a son of Ares.
  •  Mesbius was a legacy of Poseidon on his mothers side and Ares on his fathers side. His mother Amphinome was the granddaughter of Poseidon and his father was a grandson of Ares.
  •  Anaxagoras is a legacy of Poseidon. He was descended from Belus, a king of Egypt who was a son of Poseidon.
  •  Xanthippe was a legacy of Apollo since her father was a son of Apollo.
  •  The children of Pelias, the king of Iolcus, were all legacies of Poseidon as their father was a son of Poseidon
  •  Alacomenus was a legacy of Zeus as his father was a son of Zeus. All of his children and grandchildren were also descendants of Zeus.


  • In the Heroes of Olympus book series written by Rick Riordan, multiple character appear who are descendants of both gods and demigods. The series refers to them as "Legacies".