Gods of Olympus Wiki

Pandion I was a King of Athens and the son King Erichthonius.


Pandion was the eldest son of King Erichthonius and his wife, the naiad Praxithea.

Through his father, he was the grandson of the god Hephaestus. He married a naiad, Zeuxippe, and they had two sons Erechtheus and Butes, and two daughters, Procne and Philomela.

Pandion I was the fifth king of Athens in the traditional line of succession. He was preceded by Cecrops I, Cranaus, Amphictyon, and Erichthonius, and succeeded by Erechtheus, Cecrops II, and Pandion II. Castor makes Pandion I the son of Erichthonius and says he ruled for 40 years (1437/6–1397/6 BC).

Pandion fought a war with Labdacus, the king of Thebes, over boundaries, and married his daughter Procne to Tereus in exchange for help in the fighting and it was during his reign that the gods Demeter and Dionysus came to Attica. After his death, the kingdom of Athens went to Erechtheus, but the priesthoods of Poseidon Erechtheus and Athena went to Butes. He is said to have died of grief when he discovered that his daughters, Procne and Philomela, had died.


